Varicose veins: a problem Beyond Aesthetics

There are unique situations that make women more vulnerable to some vascular diseases. They are: pregnancy, contraceptive use, and hormone replacement during menopause.

Who is Manuel explains Julio Cota, president of the Brazilian Society of Angiology and Vascular Surgery - Regional Rio de Janeiro (RJ-SBACV).

The female dissatisfaction with varicose veins in the legs is surely the most important factor that contributes to the office visit of Angiology and vascular surgeons.
The vast majority seeks medical support to get rid of spider veins dilated and tortuous that compromise the beauty of the thighs and calves.

"There is no problem with wanting to look pretty, but the woman must understand that the issue goes beyond the aesthetic factor. Taking care of varicose veins is health care. This is because the neglect of treatment may lead to the development of complications such as phlebitis, venous thrombosis, skin changes, pigmentation, eczema and leg ulcers, "says Manuel Julio.

High heels should be reserved for special situations
For most women, one of the highest expressions of femininity is, without doubt, the high jump. At this point, some tend to abuse the use of high heels and thin. However, this habit can be very detrimental to vascular health.
Although there are no conclusive studies on the relationship between varicose veins and wearing shoes with heels, it is known that the natural walking (one that provides the correct contraction of the calf, ensuring that the blood from the legs to be pumped efficiently back to the heart) is compromised by the jump.

The blood flow of lower limb suffers the consequences and there may be blood clots or thrombi. "The continuous use of very high heels is negative. Therefore, women should wear heels of at most three or four inches on a daily basis. Stiletto heels should be saved for a special occasion, the president directs SBACV-RJ.

Female hormones
Some vascular diseases are directly related to female hormones. There are many changes in the amount of hormones during a woman's life, for example, during pregnancy and menopause.

The very use of contraceptive pills is indicated as a factor that influences the development of diseases of the circulatory system, such as varicose veins. All oral and injectable contraceptives are hormonal.
These hormones act in the venous wall, weakening and stretching, and in patients predisposed to varicose veins, makes the situation worse. Women with a family history of thrombosis should take extra caution when they use oral contraceptives because they favor thrombosis. It is recommended to stay in touch and visit regularly angiologist.

Pregnancy & Vascular Health
During pregnancy, there is the natural increase in blood circulation through the body mostly in the pelvic region, which overloads the venous system. Moreover, levels of progesterone and estrogen, a hormone that dilates veins, also rises, contributing to varicose veins.

Another typical situation of pregnancy is the uterus growing month after month, leading to compression of the veins of the abdomen and pelvic region. This framework is an obstacle for the blood to rise from the legs back to the heart.
Therefore, Julio Manuel gives tips for pregnant women to avoid the much dreaded varicose veins. "But exercise light and enjoyable as walking, is great for pregnant women. In most cases, the use of elastic stockings may be indicated, especially in the final months of pregnancy. Another tip is to stand with legs elevated and sleep facing the left side to reduce compression of the vena cava, which facilitates the return of blood, "concluded the president SBACV-RJ.
Anyway, as each pregnancy is unique, every pregnant woman should seek your physician to receive appropriate guidelines.

---> The varicose veins as a major factor in the matter of heredity. This means that people with a history of this disease in the family have many chances to develop the problem, even if they have a healthy lifestyle.
Still, one should avoid risk factors to minimize the problem: physical inactivity, obesity and smoking. Other factors like advancing age, for example, also contribute to the emergence of the problem.
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