The right time to remove diapers of Babies

A method for the removal of babies' diapers, widespread in the U.S. begins to be discussed now. This is the "elimination communication" (elimination communication), and which consists of observing the signs and sounds that the baby sends whenever you feel like doing your needs.

Based on these signs, parents carry the baby (in months) for a potty for him to make their needs and thus no longer conditional to make the diapers.

Although the U.S. already exists to a non-governmental organization called Diaper Free Baby (baby diaper-free, in English) that assists parents in technique, pediatricians Renan Sylvio Monteiro de Barros, MBA Pediatrics, questions and quite say why.

He says the technique, besides being impractical and practice today, is not consistent with the development of babies, which only begin to have neurological control of their physiological needs from 18 months.

What does the Diaper Free Baby on the subject? "Based on the evidence of human history, it is unlikely that the natural age at which infants are ready to become actively involved with the needs of elimination is as late as currently practiced in our society. Sole reliance on diapers during the first year of a child's life can influence your ability to control his bladder and bowels. "

For the pediatrician Sylvio Renan, "this anticipation of the withdrawal of the diaper by conditioning has little chance of a result, besides power and the frustration of parents before a likely failure, constipation cause a psychological origin. By that logic, there are parents that affect the child but the baby that affects parents to take him to the toilet whenever you want to poop or pee. "
Another important point is related to affection and care of the little ones. "Everything has its moment and right time to happen, especially in childhood. Practicing this technique would cause the child jumped a stage of life, besides losing this moment of affection and close contact with parents provided when changing the diaper, "he concludes.

New parents
The doubt remains about what the right age to remove the diaper and how many units on average are needed per day. Although some may ripen earlier or later, "the child has neurological maturation that allows you to manage the control of the sphincter between 2 and 3 years old," says the pediatrician.
And that explains a little baby (1st half of life) consumes an average of 9 pads a day - which gradually decreases with age, reaching 3 to 4 diapers per day for the second year of life.

Training before the maturity of the child or even when the child is already prepared for this, if poorly executed, can lead to deviations from normality, such as nocturnal enuresis (bedwetting) or constipation (constipation).

Sylvio Renan explains that until 5 years old, is perfectly normal to pee in bed. "Above this age we need to establish parameters for evaluation. If the child has always wet the bed, only lose urine during sleep and no other symptoms, we should not worry. Otherwise, investigations should be performed to establish the cause of the phenomenon. "

See the curiosities displayed by the pediatrician:

• From 5 years of age, each year 15% of children who wet the bed no longer do so voluntarily;

• At 5 years, 15 to 20% of children wet the bed at age 10 while only 5% do;

• The number drops to 1-2% at 15 years of age.

Do not forget that, according to recent polls, about 0.3% of adults have no apparent cause bedwetting.

In a population of nearly 8 billion people, this number will reach the incredible figure of 24 million adults with nocturnal enuresis, without causing disease.
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